I started this blog thinking it's a great way to keep everyone (especially faraway family) updated our lives.And just because I started this with family in mind doesn't mean that no one else is welcome.Relax,we'll love ya even if you ain't family! :D
Family and friends are very important to me and sometimes it seems like I have a hard time keeping up like I want to with each one.My "mommy life" just gets so packed full in a day that sometimes even to pick up the phone and call is a dread for me,because that is the very moment when children need a drink or start screaming and fighting!And my kids sometimes think they have to talk to the person on the other end of the line.Which is fine if it's Grandma, but it doesn't work that way with every call :D
So I hope everyone enjoys seeing into our life.Our two little ones keep it quite interesting and I see this as a good way to kinda keep a diary of our lives too.
This January and February have been so full of fun and action! So much has happened in the last couple of months.It seems like New Years was a long time ago in some ways but the it seems like it just was in other ways.
My sis was here to visit us for a whole week! Imagine.That's amazing and fun.The children loved having her here (and so did we of course :).
While she was here we had an ice/snow storm go through here.It's nothing like some of you are used to but it was enough to drive this mamma crazy.Everything around here shuts down and it's just miserable.
So we bundled up and took of down the road to go find some adventure.Everything was fine.Not a whole lot of adventure but we did end up at some friends house down the road.that is always fun.And if I remember correctly we ended up having a pizza party there :).
One Wednesday eve the children's class at church made snowmen like this.They don't attend until they are 3 years old so Brax didn't have any.It was hard on him to see his little friends run around with snowmen so I told him that I can help him make one sometime.He was thrilled.And they are so easy to make!Just a sack lunch bag for the body and the rest is just as easy.Since then we've made little puppies like this (out of the paper bags) at the library storytime.
I was so tickled to have a trip home in February.I got to be in Texas for 1 whole week.So much fun! We got to spend Valentines there so I had fun making a big feast for my family and my grandparents.Everyone seems to enjoy it.I had a ton of fun making it!
My Grandpa also enjoys cooking. I think so anyway.What he doesn't enjoy is when his grandaughter comes in and makes a big "noodles ran-over mess" in the kitchen.:) He was quite gracious about it tho' and seemed to overlook it at the moment.
We got to be there for my dad's open house with the Chamber of Commerce.It was interesting.Didn't last long and there was ALOT of red involved! :)
The kids loved playing on the playsets while we were there.Dad is a salesman for my uncle's mini barn business.They sell swingsets and lawn furniture too.
I am ready to hit the beach! LOL
I really do think this thing had some dorky powers in it.Ok,so maybe not.Maybe me and my mom are just naturally dorks :D Whatever the case,it was fun.Poor Hailey looks like she's wondering what is going on!
Yes,Grandma made anything.
My mumsy dear and Gram.
I just had such a wonderful time hangin out with my Grandparents.They're awesome! ;)
We had fun hangin out with these people...
and these....
and these and more that I do not have pictured here.It was just a fabulous week we spent in Tx.Seeing old friends,making new friends.Aaaah,wonderful,refreshing,relaxing vacation.
Brax had fun playing with my sister's kids ( the kids she babysits that is :)
Funny little guys!
One day we helped my mom sort through years worth of junk.Stuff we had piled in the mini barn while we were in Africa.It was interesting.Some things were way to funny.I think the funniest thing we found was the note my sister wrote to Santa Claus. It read :
Dear Santa,bring me a gift,ok?
And yes,we were taught there is no such thing as a Santa Clause but I guess for a child there is reason to hope :)
And with all the junk we found we decided to do a last minute garage sale so this is how our drive ended up looking.They say one man's junk is another man's treasure! :)
This house is where all my growing up memories are stored.I love this house more than even I myself know.It's always fun to go sleep in my old room and see the wall paper that I got to choose.Quite interesting I must say but I was in love with it when I chose it.Like I said,I love this little house.
And a 1/2 mile up the road is my grandpa's house.This place has lots of memories for me too.This is where my grandpa's lived ever since I was a wee lil' tyke.I spent many,many hours here!
It was hard driving away and saying good bye to these places but I am thankful that I get to go visit.At least it's not like they're way across the waters! :)
Hailey gettin' some love from Great Grandma.
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend.I have more to post about but I think I shall do it a little later.
My Aunt and her family along with my grandma came to visit us last weekend and we hiked off to the zoo so there are more pictures to come at a later date or time :)
May the rest of your day be filled with laughter and much love!
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