Friday, October 18, 2013

Living Joyful in the Moment

Remember in my last post,( ya, that post way back in July :) ) I mentioned how the moments slip by in the busy-ness of life and somehow you miss out on everyday life moments?
Well sometimes I find myself so caught up in the negative part of the moments I that I totally fail to see the positive. I'm thinking maybe, just maybe that's more the reason I miss out on those happy life moments.

Some days it seems are filled with moments like this...

And when I have too many moments like that  I begin to feel like this...

And it really doesn't help that I tend to be a perfectionist in certain things.
I like... no, actually I love when my house is cleaned every week, I like when the dishes are stacked and properly put in the cabinets, I like the toys picked up and ALWAYS put into their proper bins, I really love when the shoes are lined nicely in the closets and so on and so on!
But then you should see our vehicles and my oh my! my windows! It seems I can go weeks without cleaning these areas, and it bothers me but I can deal with it :) Strange, I know!

Hang in there with me and keep reading and I'll share part of my convicting journey with you.

 The thing of perfectionism has robbed me of joy in many of my moments! I focused on the cereal that's strewn over the sticky floor and the toys that haven't been put away to perfection.

The beginning of this year I had the privilege of attending the Mom Heart conference in NC. I think I mentioned it before, but that Mom's conference was so inspiring and uplifting and spoke to me in many ways.
I also have read books throughout this year that have been exactly what my Mom Soul needed to read. I highly recommend each of these books!

~ The Ministry of Motherhood ~ Sally Clarkson
~ The Mom Walk ~ Sally Clarkson
~ Desperate ~ Sarah Mae and Sally Clarkson
~ No More Perfect Moms ~ Jill Savage
~ Real Moms Real Jesus ~ Jill Savage (This one I read the other year and thoroughly enjoyed it!)
~ Unglued ~ Lysa Teurkerst

I have found myself so weary and worn trying to keep up with the demands of motherhood PLUS my perfectionism on top of it. And this year God just spoke to me so loudly, not just through these books but in various ways, as to where my priorities should be. My priorities should not be in a clean spotless house, but in loving and serving those around me. My family, my friends. Because they (people) are the only thing that really matter on this earth.
I need to slow down, lose the constant hurry and love on those around me. Think positively in a negative situation.

I can keep my house clean, but it doesn't have to be  a "diamond sparkle" at all times. It's ok if the dishes are "thrown" back in the cupboard sometimes. And the toys, well, you should see the toy bins now!  The play dishes are mixed with the animals and the cars are mixed with the dishes - You get the picture. The closets are lucky if they get swept every two weeks. And yesterday when I was cleaning I handed my 5 year old a rag and the windex bottle and put him to work on windex-ing my windows and stove front etc. He thought he was Superman! And in the end I had a much happier child on cleaning day. (Windows with a little wiping are much better than no wiping at all, right?! :) )

When my 11 month old empties my cupboard for the 10th time that day, I can thank God that she's a healthy baby who has the strength and energy to do that. Some people could only wish for that.
In the moments that I have to break up arguments and fights I can thank God that I have the energy and strength to keep up with all the demands.

I realize that these examples are just very minor things...but when I get ahold of the minor things I will be able to also find the positive in the major, what seem like negative life issues. I believe that with all my heart!

Reading "One Thousand Gifts" has been showing me how I can find joy in the midst of constant thankfulness. The Author's "Joy Journey" inspired me to embark on my own Joy Journey. I have now started my own diary of "One Thousand Gifts."

I have this note hanging on my fridge. It's a reminder to find the good even when it feels like bad! Remembering to choose Joy is shifting my thoughts to the positive.
I in no way have this joy/perfectionism thing perfectly down pat. I have my days when I really don't want to see the positive and my perfectionism comes roaring to the surface. But with God's help I'm learning. I'm taking baby steps forward. And that makes me happy.happy.happy. :)
Today I'm very thankful for
It makes me happy to be aware of the beauty around and to pick out all the positive things in my life.
I know my "Joy Journey" will be a challenge, but I'm excited to see how God will work in my life!


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